Our little man is 6 weeks old today :) He is chatting, and smiling. He can move himself 360 degree's lol... he holds his head up so steadily now. His neck has always been quite strong :) He has rolled over from back to front and front to back a few times too! And 2 days ago we got our first little chuckle, DH heard it too, but H was laughing for me :D
Breastfeeding is going so well this time. I had so many issue's feeding LM. Mostly because I didn't have a clue to be completely honest. I arrogantly or ignorantly thought it would be an easy skill to learn. But it isn't so. As a result, she was on formula from 3 weeks old. It is one of my biggest regrets. Fortunately, breastfeeding has been relatively easy this time though, because I was well armed with info :) In the last 6 weeks I have learnt to feed him sitting, standing up, walking around in a sling and, best of all, laying down lol. I love the luxuriousness of nursing laying down. So snugly and so relaxing. Fabulous for when I am really tired. Because if I drift off to sleep it doesn't matter, there is no where to fall! He is feeding 10 to the dozen atm, boosting my supply for his 6 week growth spurt :)
I have started a lactation diet as we have had a few issue's with certain foods. Especially chocolate and licorice. It is pretty restrictive, but it has been worth it so far. H has been so much more content. I will slowly try some of the banned foods to see if they are offenders though, because I cannot see this diet being easily sustainable for me! I like food too much lol. I can gladly give up chocolate and licorice. But start messing with berries and melons and lentils and green veggies and I am getting very upset! Beats a colicy baby though.... but I don't want to miss out on things I don't need to be missing out on!
We had our final official visit from our midwife today :) Such a milestone! It as been a wonderful journey, and fabulous just to know there was someone to call if I had any concerns. And someone to chat to throughout the pregnancy too. Someone who gets the whole HBing thang. I cannot believe it is all over. I felt as though I had been pregnant forever. As ready as I was to begin this new parenting journey, I really do miss my belly. But I love my little guy so much :)
We co-sleep together at night, and I love to wrap myself around him and smell his delicious, soft and fuzzy, little head :) It is so wonderful not to be woken by crying when he is ready to feed. He stirs a little, and does not even open his eyes. I pop him in the crook of my arm, laying down. Then he peeks out a little, latches, and closes his eyes again. I love the look on his face when he pulls off, milk drunk and self satisfied with full, milky lips lol....
I love watching LM with him. She loves him to pieces! And he, in turn, hears her voice and looks for her. He gazes at her, and chats- just for her :) And gives her huge smiles. She just loves that!
Transition from family of 3 to 4 has not been entirely easy though. It has been a big shock to LM to have to share us after all this time. So we have had some pretty difficult times with her. She has been loving H, but hating us. Pushing the limits, talking rudely and being immensely unhelpful :/ But things are slowly getting better. I have to really work at being patient with her though. It is hard work when I am tired, especially by the end of a long day. I have to remember that she is still so young, not even 5 yet. But I do struggle. She has been such an easy little person to be around for the last 18 months or so. It is hard to go back to explaining and negotiating every.single.little.thing! After an especially bad day I watch her sleep at night and promise myself to try harder tomorrow...
To that aim I have started LM in swimming lessons. A little something to look forward to, just for her, every week. After her lesson we stayed on for her to have a play in the kiddies pool. It was a lovely day, and I think it did us all some good :) I am planning to do this with her every week after her lesson, provided the weather is pleasant :)
Well, off to catch some Z's now while my 2 kiddies are resting! xx