Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Picasso Exhibition....

Today we headed off into the city to the Gallery Of Modern Art to see the Picasso exhibition. We picked up our friends J & S on the way, drove a little bit and then trained the rest of the way in with our girls strapped onto our backs. The looks we got! It really does go to show what a low contact society we are in when the sight of two women wearing their young toddlers almost stops traffic... I find it really fascinating that the idea of carrying your child instead of pushing them in a pram (which is so very inconvenient) is so foreign. I understand peoples mindsets though, as not so long ago I would have thought "That looks like damned hard work!" It really is something you have to do to appreciate the benefits (not to mention with the right carrier it is a doddle!) Like not having to find an escelator, lift or ramp. Like not getting stuck in the clothing racks at the shops. Like being able to get in between people when it is crowded. And not holding a crying baby while trying to push the pram they are supposed to be in lol. Now Miss Cranky Pants was by no means perfect today, she is after all a quite cheeky/high maintenance 2 and a half year old. So she had a bit of a whinge. She did not fall asleep on me in the carrier at the Gallery like Miss S who is basically the poster girl for the parental benefits of baby wearing (fast asleep on J's back, face smoodged up close, her eyes closed in contented happy crescents) But I know darned well if I had taken my Squidge in her stroller not only would I have had trouble getting of and on trains and between platforms, but I also would have been fighting to keep her actually IN the pram. She would have whined even more, and I would have had a wrestling match on my hands and I wouldn't have been able to get close enough to the painting commentaries to read anything about the painting and other artworks we where there to see. And I would have been freezing lol. Built in hot water-bottle child all the way.... and lets face it- our children are only small enough to carry, hold and smother with kisses for such a small time. The days, weeks & months are flying by and my once baby is soon going to be too big to carry, and before I know it she will be shunning my cuddles and kisses because it is too uncool. So until that day I will keep my not so baby girl strapped in my arms and enjoy the enforced cuddles and the conversations we can have when she is up at eye level with me :)

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