Thursday, April 29, 2010

lol... very sporadic blogger am I!

So much has happened since my last post.... after loosing it in my gp's office over our fertility woe's in November and finally being referred to a fertility specialist in early December we found I am suffering from Polycystic Ovary Disorder. Which was basically stopping me from ovulating. Which is why I was not falling pregnant. One visit was all it took to find that out.... after 2.5 years of heartache, we finally had a reason and an answer. The relief was unbelievable. I walked out of that office with such a weight lifted from my shoulders. We had a plan of attack, I was to start on clomid to stimulate ovulation next cycle. Little did I know, a small person had already decided to make their very timely entrance into our lives.... 2 weeks after our appointment I was still waiting for my cycle to begin. I was feeling a little off.... nothing horrendous, just a few small food aversions and a little twinge in my back that wasn't usually there when I wear my girl on my back in our wraps. I tested. I got a negative. My cycle still had not arrived 2 days later.... still feeling not quite right, I tested again. Again it was negative. I was so upset. If my period was going to go missing in action for a couple of months for no good reason I was just going to loose it.... finally we knew what was wrong, and I was eager to start the clomid and our journey towards our next beloved child. Finally on Sunday, still late, I finally got the faintest BFP. I stood in the shower, under the water, shaking. And cried. Please, please let this be a positive positive and not a false positive.... I got out of the shower and sat on the bed in shock. I just kept looking at the test with tears in my eye's. It was too good to be true.... and it was just so faint. I woke DH so he could look at it too. He, too, could see the very faint line. I tested again the following day, the following day produced the same result. So I went to the pharmacy and bought a digital test. PREGNANT!

Morning sickness kicked in around 6-7 weeks. It knocked me for 6. But I was thankful every day. The days where I felt well where troubling. I preferred to feel sick, if I felt sick, I felt he was safe. My first craving was for cranberry juice with a squeeze of lime. I craved potato's. And asparagus with butter and lime juice. Bacon and egg muffins. And Macca's pancakes, weetbix and tons of milk, just like I did when I was pregnant with our daughter. I craved beer, and burgers and sausage rolls. My aversion to sugar last pregnancy had me convinced that the baby we lost was a boy. And that I was carrying a girl this time. I was so convinced! And then at the 19 week scan, the sonographer thought it was a girl too, until she was sure it was a boy lol.... a gorgeous little boy. It felt weird for a couple of days, not in a bad way though lol. Just because I was so sure he was a she. The weirdness has well and truly worn off now though heh heh. I just can't wait to meet him, to learn all about him, to cuddle and snuggle him. We have waited so long for this new little person.

Now I sit here, 22 weeks pregnant, feeling my little man roll around inside of me. It still seems to surreal.... after all this time, it still feels like it is all in my head. But his knock-knocking is telling me otherwise. He is getting bigger and stronger every day. I cannot wait to meet him :) Every little movement I feel makes me smile, even the kicks in the ribs I am already receiving lol.

Last Tuesday, DD & DH both felt him kick for the first time :) Such a special morning, they where both rapt! He also kicked DD in the bottom while I was spooning her lol.... sibling rivalry from the womb!

Yesterday, while DD was at Kindy, I lay on the lounge, and for the first time with this pregnancy I watched my belly wobble and roll as our little guy moved about :) I lay on the lounge talking to him and watching for as long as he went :) I love being pregnant! It is so cool.... worth all the faintness and blergh-ness to feel that special little person growing and rolling about within. I love going to bed at night and feeling him snuggle down with me. I love the waiting... only another 18 or so weeks to go now. He will be here before we know it!

In another 18 weeks I will have to share myself between 2 children.... I have made a promise to myself today to make the most of these remaining weeks with our daughter and make every moment count. To do something special, just the 2 of us, once a week, which we can hopefully pick up again after the baby is here. And to take time to create some special rituals between us that we can carry on after her little brother arrives.

I can see our little girl is excited but trepidatious over the imminent arrival of her baby brother. She has wanted a baby brother or sister for so long, but now it is definitely happening you can see her wondering how this is going to change things. She will have had us to herself for almost 5 years. The thought of sharing, which comes so naturally to her with her generous spirit, is still worrying her I can see. But at the same time she smiles, and talks about how excited she is about seeing her baby brother born, and how she can't wait to meet him. She kisses my belly, and talks to him. She wants for him to know her little voice. She waits patiently, her small hand on my growing belly, for another kick. She wants me to read her "Hello Baby" for the millionth time and asks a million more questions lol... I know she is going to be a wonderful big sister in spite of her small worries which no doubt seem so big to her. This little boy could not have asked for a better big sister. He is a lucky lucky boy :)

We where fortunate to get our sweet girl into Kindy this year, in preparation for prep next year. I had not intended for her to go to Kindy until at least mid year, but with all the morning sickness I thought it might do her some good to get out and about with other children as I was not up to my usual standard of DD entertainment. We where so lucky to get her a place. I was worried that she wouldn't like it, she has never been in any sort of care. But apparently we timed it well, as she has slipped into Kindy life without a backwards glance. Not one tear. Not even a frown. She has loved it from the first day! The kindy runs on regular school hours, and has school holidays too, which is fantastic. I have never been a fan of the idea of long hour daycares, and especially not of sending children to daycares without any sort of breaks in between. By the easter holidays she needed a break badly. Playbased learning, which was another of my prerequisites. Healthy lunchbox policy is a bonus too :) Nice to be able to send healthy lunches without looking like the random hippie :P

Our little guy is kicking again. Apparently I have been sitting here too long lol.... goodnight all :)

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