Thursday, June 17, 2010

Chemical's in the home and in our lives.....

Fabulous post from a most eloquent Earthy Mother. Everything I think and agree with, but written in a much more succinct fashion than I could ever muster! I hope you all enjoy it too....

"Is it a huge leap to consider that perhaps chemicals are negatively impacting on our health so dramatically? The evidence against chemicals is stacking up, and the companies selling them aren't going to withdraw their products or suggest you buy something less toxic. Our governments aren't doing anything about it........."

These are the reasons we eat organic, clean organic and dress organic wherever possible....
I have suffered from thyroid disease (hashimoto-'s hypothyroid) for the last 6-7 years. Recently, my incredibly healthy, personal training, body sculpting SIL has been diagnosed with the same disease. After moving from a house with filtered water (no fluoride) to a house without a filter. Which had brand new off-gassing paints/carpets etc. Within 3 months she was so sick... no great leap to make the connection. Especially as she is pint sized, and drinks about 3 times the volume of water of the average person.... Fortunately she is taking control, going organic and has switched to untampered water which is helping immeasurably. But the moral of the story is DO NOT TRUST THE GOVERNMENT TO HAVE OUR BEST INTERESTS AT HEART!

I hope you enjoy Earthy's blog post as much as I did....

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