Friday, December 31, 2010

New Years Resolutions....

* Spend less time online...
* Sell the house and start afresh
* Fill my home with good friends, laughter and good times :)
* Yoga in the mornings
* Meditation in the evenings
* Eat healthier - no more sugar or overly processed grains
* Simplify life
* Continue to cull the things I don't need and live a more spartan life
* Read more books (if anyone is reading this, please recommend me some books! I have Eat, Pray, Love and Wuthering Heights on the way....)
* Begin some form of study... still trying to decide what. Aiming for mid year intake
* Be less lazy with the housework
* Enjoy life!

I am also participating in the 365 Reasons To Be Grateful challenge
So stay tuned....

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