Thursday, July 29, 2010

Been slack on the blogging front :)

My pregnancy is still chugging away, 35 +4 today. Starting to slow up a bit now, my hips are getting sore and I am taking lots of long warm baths in the evening :) Our little guy is doing well. He is head down already, and growing nicely. We are down to weekly midwife visits too!

Last week I was stopped, while talking to my 8 month belly and laughing at his cheekiness, by a woman who said "Isn't it just the BEST feeling ever? I wish I could do it all again!" It lifted my whole day. Everyone else is so blerghh.... 8 months pregnant, isnt it awful! But I dont feel that way at all, I just love it! (so long as I can rest as needed lol, don't get me wrong, still starting to get pretty uncomfy lol) and it was so nice to hear someone say the same thing!

I love watching my belly contort into all these wierd and wondeful shapes. And I love the fact I can actually feel his little feet when he kicks. With LM I had so much fluid that limbs where barely able to be deciphered lol. I would get the wierd shapes etc, but couldnt make out what was what. This time I have no fluid retention (yet anyway lol... such a blessing!) and I can feel everything! Right down to his boney little bottom :P My MW, Deb, felt his bottom and wasn't sure if it was his bottom or his head lol.

I keep having these wierd dreams that my skin pulls so taut over him during a braxton hicks that I can actually make out his face lol. Freaky!

Anyway :) Getting through my to-do list slowly. I have completed his doona cover, the felted nesting bowls, his knitted sleeping bag and a couple of little outfits :) I will try to post some pics next week when I get my camera (digital SLR body so I can use my old school lenses :))Today I am having a cook up to start stocking the freezer for the babymoon. Spaghetti and meatballs, home made baked beans & chicken noodle soup are on the list for today. All double batches. I have a batch of pea and ham soup already frozen (yummy!) and I am planning a couple of quiches, some canelloni , fish cakes and I am not sure what else.... if anyone is reading, any suggestions would be much appreciated!